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Webinar Q&A: Engineered Valve Solutions for Natural Gas

Posted by Jeff Kane on

As a follow-up to our webinar, Engineered Check Valve Solutions For Natural Gas Applications, we are sharing the questions we received from the audience. The answers are provided by host Arie Bregman, vice president and general manager of DFT® Inc. and a 35-year industry veteran, who is an active member in the U.S. Valve Manufacturers… Read More

What Is Cracking Pressure?

Posted by Jeff Kane on

DFT Valve full open

What Is Check Valve Cracking Pressure? Cracking pressure refers to the inlet pressure level at which the first sign of flow is present. It can also be described as a measure of the pressure differential between the inlet and outlet ports of the valve when flow is initially detected. Specifically, cracking pressure is the least… Read More

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Effective Check Valve Selection and Placement for Industrial Piping Systems

Posted by Jeff Kane on

Valves in Industrial Piping Sytem

When planning a check valve installation, the primary goal is to achieve a valve and piping system that offers the longest service life at the lowest cost. Accomplishing this goal while also ensuring that the system operates effectively and efficiently requires several considerations. As a world-class manufacturer of high-quality check and control valves, DFT® understands… Read More

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How to Select the Right Control Valve

Posted by Jeff Kane on

DFT LSV-100-2021 silo-sm

Control valves play a vital role in ensuring the efficiency of a fluid system. It is important to choose the one you use carefully. Otherwise, it may not operate or perform as expected, resulting in decreased process efficiency and/or system damage. There are many factors to consider when selecting a control valve for a fluid… Read More

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DFT Achieves Safety Excellence: 365 Days and Still Counting!

Posted by Jeff Kane on

OSHA Recordable Safety Meter

Article written by JP Hanson, a Research Specialist from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism. When it comes to manufacturing, safety is critical to DFT’s employees, and the company as a whole. DFT has a Safety Program in place that is overseen by company Vice President Arie Bregman and has an eight-person safety committee headed… Read More

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